William Bouguereau - William Bouguereau Nymphs and Satyr. Painting

We offer 100% handmade reproduction of Nymphs and Satyr. painting and frame

William Bouguereau Nymphs and Satyr.
Nymphs and Satyr.

price: US$179.42
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Nymphs and Satyr (Nymphes et Satires) is a painting, oil on canvas, created by artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1873.

Nymphs and Satyr was exhibited in Paris in 1873, a year before the Impressionists mounted their first exhibition, in a style radically different from that of Bouguereau.

This Nymphs and Satyr painting was discovered by Sterling Clark near the end of the 19th century, and it displayed in the bar of the Hoffman House Hotel, New York City. The piece is currently on display at the Clark Art Institute located in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Set in a secluded pond, this Nymphs and Satyr depicts a cluster of bathing nymphs who have captured a lascivious satyr spying on them; three are tugging him toward a dunking, and a fourth is beckoning other nymphs to join the fun.
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   Width: in. x Height: in.  US$179.42
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   Beautiful, original hand-painted artwork in your home. Paintings based on the masters'
works of William Bouguereau.
   Nymphs and Satyr. painting takes 14 -16days for production by an artist, and another 3 -5days for delivery. You can custom William Bouguereau Nymphs and Satyr. painting on canvas, or painting with a large frame.
Nymphs and Satyr. by William Bouguereau
4.7(based on 19 reviews)  Read more reviews
    Received in great condition, thank you!by Customer travoltarevolta
    Item even more beautiful in person! highly recommend!by Customer montana305
  We deliver William Bouguereau Nymphs and Satyr. worldwide at the same shipping fee of $15.00, but it is free if you buy more than one art at a time.
  This is the picture of the original Nymphs and Satyr. by William Bouguereau. We reproduce it with oil paint on canvas, stretched and frame; but we do not offer Nymphs and Satyr. on machine serigraph, poster, giclee or print.
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Our Old Price:  US$358.84 Our New Price: US$179.42 add to favorites

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